Just because something is not
doesn’t make it is morally or ethically correct.
Chuck Jackson: April 2004
Splitting the legal fine hairs is a game we all play to some extant
(but generally don’t want to admit). That is what gives us our shades
of gray which in turn allows us to believe that some are more righteous
then others.
A large number of laws seem to be written without any thought to
their moral or ethical consequences. Most laws that are written today
appear to be loopholes for some special interest group or as feel good
unfunded mandates. While this will make a large number of situations
legal, it does not make them morally or ethically correct.
When sodomy laws were struck down by the Supreme Court in 2003
making homosexuality no longer illegal, it did not make homosexuality
morally or ethically correct; just no longer illegal.
In the 1980,s Social Security increases were mandated to cover
projected deficits in the system. But, there was a loophole
manufactured, whereas under a small window of opportunity thousands of
individuals were able to opt out of the Social Security system. It was
legal, but it was not morally or ethically correct.
To add insult to injury some of the money was then diverted to
cover the day to day operations of the government replaced with IOU’s
(thereby further increasing the national debt). Again legal, but rather
immoral and highly unethical.
We have been continually told that the deficit for the year 2003
was $375 billion; which is incorrect. The deficit for 2003 was $554.9
billion when the money that was diverted from the Social Security Trust
Fund is added to the total.
Again the misleading numbers are probably legal, but for the
government to mislead the public like that is immoral and unethical.
But whose version of morals should we use?
I am not sure what the ACLU, Anti-Christian Legal Union uses for
its moral guidelines, or if they even have any moral guidelines. The
Bible is a very good guideline as long as it is being used as an
educational tool instead of as a book to whack people with.
As much as the homosexual verdict by the Supreme Court may upset
people; injustice and greed have done more damage to this country.
activity is generally a self-destructive problem (which the taxpayers
should not have to support), while injustice and greed can destroy
whole countries.
Just because
something is not illegal does not make it morally or ethically correct.