Even the spin is distorted
Even as
George Bush stunned reporters by declaring that we have "found the weapons of
mass destruction," the Republican National Committee declared that the latest
tax cut benefits "everyone who pays taxes." That is simply a lie.
KRUGMAN/Syndicated columnist: June 4,
The mystery of Iraq's missing weapons of
mass destruction has become a lot less mysterious. Recent reports in major
British newspapers and three major U.S. news magazines, based on leaks from
angry intelligence officials, back up the sources who told my colleague Nicholas
Kristof that the Bush administration "grossly
manipulated intelligence" about WMDs.
And anyone who talks
about an "intelligence failure" is missing the point. The problem lay not with intelligence
professionals, but with the Bush and Blair administrations. They wanted a war,
so they demanded reports supporting their case, while dismissing contrary
In Britain, the news media have not been shy about
drawing the obvious implications, and the outrage has not been limited to war
opponents. The Times of London was ardently pro-war; nonetheless, it ran an
analysis under the headline "Lie Another Day." The paper drew parallels between
the selling of the war and other misleading claims: "The government is seen as having
'spun' the threat from Saddam's weapons just as it spins everything
Yet few have made the same argument in this country,
even though "spin" is far too mild a word for what the Bush administration does
all the time. Suggestions that the public was manipulated into supporting an
Iraq war gain credibility from that fact that misrepresentation and deception
are standard operating procedure for this administration, which - to an extent
never before seen in U.S. history - systematically and brazenly distorts the
Am I exaggerating? Even as
George Bush stunned reporters by declaring that we have "found the weapons of
mass destruction," the Republican National Committee declared that the latest
tax cut benefits "everyone who pays taxes." That is simply a lie. You've heard
about those 8 million children denied any tax break by a last-minute switcheroo.
In total, 50 million U.S. households - including a majority of those with
members over 65 - get nothing; another 20 million receive less than $100 each.
And a great majority of those left behind do pay taxes.
And the bald-faced misrepresentation of an
elitist tax cut offering little or nothing to most Americans is only the latest
in a long string of blatant misstatements. Misleading the public has been a
consistent strategy for the Bush team on issues ranging from tax policy and
Social Security reform to energy and the environment. So why should we give the
administration the benefit of the doubt on foreign policy?
It's long past time for this administration
to be held accountable. Over the past two years we've become accustomed to the
pattern. Each time the administration comes up with another whopper, partisan
supporters a group that includes a large segment of the news media - obediently
insist that black is white and up is down. Meanwhile, the "liberal" media report
only that some people say that black is black and up is up. And some Democratic
politicians offer the administration invaluable cover by making excuses and
playing down the extent of the lies.
If this same lack of
accountability extends to matters of war and peace, we're in very deep
trouble. The British seem to understand this: Max Hastings, the veteran
war correspondent who supported Britain's participation in the war writes that
"the prime minister committed
British troops and sacrificed British lives on the basis of a deceit, and it
It's no answer to
say that Saddam was a murderous tyrant. I could point out that many of the
neoconservatives who fomented this war were nonchalant, or worse, about mass
murders by Central American death squads in the 1980s. But the important point is that this isn't about
Saddam; it's about
us. The public was told that Saddam
posed an imminent threat. If that claim was fraudulent, the selling of the war
is arguably the worst scandal in U.S. political history-worse than Watergate,
worse than Iran-Contra. Indeed, the idea that we were deceived
into war makes many commentators so uncomfortable that they refuse to admit the
But here's
the thought that should make those commentators really uncomfortable: Suppose
that this administration did con us into war. And suppose that it is not held
accountable for its deceptions, so Bush can fight what Hastings calls a "khaki
election!' next year. In that case, our political system has become utterly, and
perhaps irrevocably, corrupted.
Paul Krugman is a columnist for
The New York Times. Copyright 2003 New York Times News Service. E-mail: